Results for Copse Wood Night Feb 2025, Cospe Wood, 15/02/2025

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Score (30 controls, limit 60 minutes, penalty 1 point per 6 seconds)

  1  Rhys Manning   SWOC M40    549  64:05     590 - 41       175, 165, 179, 181, 173, 163, 159, 185, 155, 153, 171, 187, 169, 157, 167, 156, 184, 188, 158, 172, 164, 154, 176, 152, 180, 190, 166, 168, 182
  2  Ifor Powell     BOK M55    367  60:16     370 - 3        182, 168, 166, 190, 172, 154, 164, 158, 156, 167, 157, 171, 153, 159, 173, 163
  3  Tom Dobra      TVOC M21    356  60:22     360 - 4        165, 175, 163, 173, 159, 153, 171, 185, 155, 157, 167, 156, 184, 158, 172, 180, 182
  4  Greg Best      NGOC M60    301  60:53     310 - 9        175, 163, 173, 159, 181, 179, 153, 171, 187, 157, 169, 184, 158, 172, 180, 152
  5  Doug Stimson    NWO M40    300  59:08     300            163, 173, 159, 181, 153, 171, 185, 155, 157, 169, 188, 158, 172, 152
  6  John Methven    BKO M55    294  62:35     320 - 26       182, 168, 180, 166, 190, 172, 164, 158, 156, 188, 169, 167, 155, 185, 175
  7  Rob Hick        WSX M65    255  60:26     260 - 5        175, 173, 159, 153, 171, 187, 167, 156, 184, 158, 172, 180
  8  Steve Williams NGOC M70    240  59:59     240            175, 163, 173, 159, 185, 155, 157, 188, 158, 172, 180
  9  Ian Phillips   NGOC M65    210  58:08     210            175, 165, 179, 181, 153, 171, 187, 155, 185, 190, 166, 180, 182
 10  Stephen Jackson NWO M70    200  59:02     200            182, 152, 180, 166, 190, 172, 184, 156, 157, 153, 175
 11  Gwen Tanner     BOK W65    195  60:25     200 - 5        182, 168, 180, 166, 190, 172, 158, 164, 154, 153, 175
 12  Lisa Methven    BKO W55    190  61:55     210 - 20       178, 152, 168, 180, 166, 190, 172, 164, 158, 171, 153, 175
 13  Colin Welch     BOK M65    189  63:01     220 - 31       175, 173, 163, 185, 155, 167, 184, 158, 172, 180
 14  Carolyn Dent    BOK W60    180  57:50     180            182, 168, 152, 176, 154, 164, 158, 172, 180, 175
 15  Roger Bryan     NWO M60    161  62:53     190 - 29       175, 153, 171, 187, 169, 172, 158, 190, 166, 180
 16  Thomas Down     NWO M45    150  55:19     150            182, 168, 152, 176, 172, 171, 153, 181, 179, 165, 175
 17  Martin Light    NWO M65    150  56:35     150            178, 152, 180, 172, 188, 169, 171, 153, 181, 179, 175

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